著數優惠交流網's Archiver

alvin61 發表於 2008-11-19 20:20

how to get entry,thanks

sharon3080 發表於 2008-11-20 16:07


jagiter 發表於 2008-11-20 21:24

回復15# alvin61的帖子

just get the print out from the first page (print the picture)then show it to the person there n u get to go in.

jennifer__fung 發表於 2008-11-22 12:00

thanks :'(

cwongbox 發表於 2008-11-22 23:47

Thanks so much for sharing ^^:smilies28::smilies28::smilies28:

auxin222 發表於 2008-11-23 15:50

hope its ll not so expensive after the offer~!

lmc109box 發表於 2008-11-23 22:32

有冇價目表,roughly dou ok la,thx a lot

yayaya727 發表於 2008-11-25 15:03


Amanda124 發表於 2008-11-26 12:59

有無人去完個倉呀? 講下大約幾多折同幾多錢啦. thx.

cwongbox 發表於 2008-11-26 17:24

I went there this morning at about 11am...but there are so many many many pp waiting outside....so i gave up and left.

anyone get in?pls share what have you see and buy with us ^^ thanks~:smilies29::smilies29::smilies29:

colam 發表於 2008-11-26 17:31



penguin8 發表於 2008-11-26 17:51

AGREE 咁辛苦都係算啦! 省D錢好過,買野應該係享受,攪到好似受罪咁:smilies61:

amandapoon 發表於 2008-11-26 22:07

Chloe 80%off
See by Chloe 70%off

Many clothes ...but few handbag (style are very outdated!)&few shoes

If you would like to buy clothes,then you can go.
If you expect to buy handbag &shoes,then give up!

Amanda124 發表於 2008-11-26 22:44

我今日下午二點半去到,諗住d人食完lunch要返工會無乜人, 點知條龍排到好長,我等左一個鐘先入到去.


我入左去10分鐘就走人lu,d褸,衫同褲2-3折,但係d款岩鬼婆,唔多岩hk人. d袋舊款既就3折,shoulder bag折左之後都4-6千蚊個,其中有個蛇皮袋幾好,原價3萬,折左就1萬多dd,不過我最後都無買,質地岩但個款唔岩. 新少少既bag就5折,但全場都無Paddington Bag 賣,好失望. 至於d鞋好高踭,只岩model上台著果d款. 我眼見十個走番出黎既人,都無一個買得成野,只係見到有個鬼婆汁左好多衫囉.


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