$1體驗全新Kotex Natural 草本抑菌系列
Kotex Club -$1體驗 全新Kotex Natural 草本抑菌系列[url]https://www.getjetso.com/a/329[/url]
[img]http://www.kotex.com/hk/email/20080917/images/edm.jpg[/img] where can i buy it? 登記左~haha
唔知點買呢? I am have to register as member in order to take the promotion???:smilies56: 即係點?
就咁去supermarket 買???
回復4# aj_lwy 的帖子
我唔理咁多,入左會先~ 我都係唔知點樣呀,不過又係入左會先,,,,哈哈哈回復6# aboutlove 的帖子
唔駛入會架,Wed Night 萬O 有得賣呀, 就甘擺係個箱度,任拎任買,我都買左3包.不過Yesterday night 唔見晒啦......:smilies26: 我今日去德福萬寧已經冇晒...仲唔會再有貨添 今日睇頭條先出廣告乍
回復2# yiyi_0124的帖子
我琴日向WATSON'S 買左5包不過今日無曬lU.有無人用過好無用呀? 咁快冇哂:smilies45: 德福既屈記有好多...不過佢話要買滿女性衛生用品$30先可以加$1換...
我想問你地係咪都要買野先可以用$1換架?? i cannot locate the $1:(