回復 586# baby_zoe 的帖子
要唔要丫~送俾你啦:smilies45: 想問問要唔要print 埋email address 果part 比佢 [quote]原帖由 [i]milk[/i] 於 2008-8-18 18:20 發表 [url=http://getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=537816&ptid=275468][img]http://getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]想問問要唔要print 埋email address 果part 比佢 [/quote]
no, I don't print out the email heading
I just print out from
"Essential Beauty" ( top left hand corner )
all the way down to "Land Crawford" ( bottom right hand corner )
萬試萬寧,去左咁多間都無俾 BA 話。
CWB Lane CrawfordAmatokin has stock
Dior has stock
La Prairie has stock ( but a bit 白鴒眼 when I get the sample )
Finish reporting :smilies44:
回復 591# pc20001089 的帖子
咁你係咪copy過去word度再print架? 今日去左tst個間換左
-Fresh Rose Face Mask 7.5 ml
-Giorgio Armani Cream Nera 7 g---->填完張form就有
-Dior Deep Hydration Intensive Mask 10 ml
-Shiseido Revital Lotion Ex I 7 ml---------------->個ba一次比晒兩支我呀!
-Shiseido Revital Moisturizer Ex II 7 ml
-Ipsa Metabolizer R 3 8 ml
-Dr. brandt Poreless Cleanser 5 ml
-Dr. brandt Liquid Synergy 2 ml
-Dr. brandt "C" gel 2 ml
-Amatokin Eye Cream 1 ml
-Amatokin Intensive Skin-Rejuvenating Serum 1 ml
-Ipsa 透白水潤粉底液101 0.3 g
-Estee Lauder Extre Concentrated Brightening Essence 突破亮白精華 1.5 ml-->應該要book家,但佢都比左我!
-Biotherm 溫泉激活再生精華 5 ml->冇橄欖個隻,比左呢隻我,我仲開心呀!
-Lancome 全方位防禦抗曬乳 5 ml
-Philosophy High Density Eye and Lip Firming Cream 2 ml
-Philosophy World-famous therapeutic Moisturizer 2 ml
-Shiseido Anessa Perfect UV Sunscreen EX SPF50+ PA+++ 2 ml--->冇唇膏
-Shiseido Anessa Mild Sunscreen SPF 43 PA+++ 0.6 g--->冇唇膏
-Shiseido MAQuillAGE Lips 6 色
-Kiehl's French Rosewater 5 ml----->問左我係邊種skin先比我家!
-Kiehl's Washable Cleansing Milk 5 ml
-Kiehl's Ultra Facial Moisturizer 5 ml
回復 594# tracyman 的帖子
咁快第二個round 拿~ 勁呀 ~ 但係點解唔起 tst face 到換埋香水既 ~ 前幾個post ~有sis 發左張 有香水換既coupon 喎~ 未過期架喎~ 點解會有咁多facess既?回復 594# tracyman 的帖子
嘩shiseido個ba咁好人o既~~ :smilies10:比晒兩支你~~ :smilies28: 想問cwb Amatokin近邊個位啊?去甘多次都唔覺有呢間野0既
回復 595# chacha610 的帖子
回復 598# blue_apple 的帖子
回復 596# joan_minako 的帖子
faces:-Biotherm 溫泉激活再生精華 5 ml->冇橄欖個隻,比左呢隻我,我仲開心呀!
-Philosophy High Density Eye and Lip Firming Cream 2 ml
-Philosophy World-famous therapeutic Moisturizer 2 ml
-Lancome 全方位防禦抗曬乳 5 ml
-Shiseido Anessa Perfect UV Sunscreen EX SPF50+ PA+++ 2 ml--->冇唇膏
-Shiseido Anessa Mild Sunscreen SPF 43 PA+++ 0.6 g--->冇唇膏
-Shiseido MAQuillAGE Lips 6 色
-Kiehl's French Rosewater 5 ml----->問左我係邊種skin先比我家!
-Kiehl's Washable Cleansing Milk 5 ml
-Kiehl's Ultra Facial Moisturizer 5 ml
回復 592# pc20001089 的帖子
[[i] 本帖最後由 tracyman 於 2008-8-18 22:32 編輯 [/i]]