我地唔係講緊 SHU UEMURA 呀,我地係講緊SHISEIDO 呀 [/quote]
原來我誤會左 ... 唔好意樹呀 :smilies32:
不過我好想要 shu uemura 果份呀 ! !
點解我抽黎抽去都唔中 . . . :smilies05:
有冇 sis 可以 share 比我又或者同我交換 ~ ~
回復 534# cash001 的帖子
chanel有咩正野好介紹??回復 522# sarkx 的帖子
就咁拎左就走得? [quote]原帖由 [i]cash001[/i] 於 2008-8-18 00:20 發表 [url=http://getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=536906&ptid=275468][img]http://getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]我地唔係講緊 SHU UEMURA 呀,我地係講緊SHISEIDO 呀 [/quote]
Ha Ha . . .
你地講到 shiseido 果份咁正 ~ ~
好吸引呢 :smilies64: [quote]原帖由 [i]cash001[/i] 於 2008-8-18 00:29 發表 [url=http://getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=536922&ptid=275468][img]http://getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
咪係羅,d skin care 已經賺好多錢架啦
你睇佢地可以比到成四折d satff 買野就知道啦,好心啦賺咁多錢就送多d野出黎啦
有時去買野買好多野都係送得個 1-2個sample 真係 :smilies40:
最鍾意去 CHANNEL 都買野,買少少野都送好多Sample比你 ... [/quote]
同意呀 ~ ~
我都好鍾意去 Chanel 度買野 ! !:smilies37:
回復 537# joan_minako 的帖子
I like chanel lip gloss , mascara and eye shadow very much ! !:smilies28:回復 543# joan_minako 的帖子
:smilies29: 婆婆做ba咁得意?唔知點解硬係覺得chanel同dior好似:smilies25:
回復 547# janice_ 的帖子
我有用dior既野不過其實係 dior同 ysl好似先真
係英國, 兩間野既counter成日係一齊
原因係..... ysl既cosmetics俾dior公司收購左
所以兩間野既產品, 一個packing係金, 一個係銀
我都因為兩個packing咁正, 所以兩間我都會去買 有無人中..Bobbi Brown
Get your Autumn/Winter look with the new Cocoa Mauve Collection. Enjoy a personalised makeup consultation and a makeup base sample after the service.
<---打去問話要買野先可以享用....o咀:smilies59: [quote]原帖由 [i]ioucarmen[/i] 於 2008-8-18 09:18 發表 [url=http://getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=537066&ptid=275468][img]http://getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
有無人中..Bobbi Brown
Get your Autumn/Winter look with the new Cocoa Mauve Collection. Enjoy a personalised makeup consultation and a makeup base sample after the service.
不過又要做個makeup consultation 先攞到,
所以都唔換啦! 睇黎各sis都換到心頭好了吧~
我仲有3個sk2 email未換,
唔知月尾仲換唔換到呢?!?!? [quote]原帖由 [i]cash001[/i] 於 2008-8-16 12:39 發表 [url=http://getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=535958&ptid=275468][img]http://getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
無可能, 佢一定係厄你個fd, 我個fd 琴晚先去換完
baby, 去版主區...... [/quote]
回復 543# baby_zoe 的帖子
:smilies01: sorry 尋晚太忘我 fresh (tst) 居然話第一日早上派哂 100件, 無得換~送左比朋友去timesquare, 一行去寫個電話就俾佢啦,
都唔知tst邊解咁快換哂, 好彩無掉左張coupon咋.:smilies46: