中移動(941)我手上有一手$114.5入的點算好... 我 11 號先止蝕咗;
買進104.2 賣出101.1 $90再買:smilies25: 我上都有2手貨, 平均價$98入, 但我唔怕, 對佢有信心, 一定會反彈...:smilies63: :smilies63: 如果大户要市跌,中移動 匯豐 是首選
回復 5# water2009 的帖子
係, 但相反既話, 中移動 匯豐 都是首選回復 4# Diamond 的帖子
but I don't have money to buy more!!!!!only wait!!!! 又係阿Q累事!:smilies33: 941及939 我都有貨,諗住長hold的,但里几日真係好hurt.:'(
回復 7# northpig 的帖子
Hi Northpid,if you had already invest most of your cash on the stock, then it's really hard for you to wait the "黎明" to come, coz nobody know when is the ending of the dark.
we shouldn't invest over 50% of our money into the stock market, during such uncentain economic climate, the best proportion is 30% for stock and 70% in cash.
god bless you la...