it is contributed to LUCK
the short term goal doesn't mean anything
the long one is prevailing,
make use of your knowledge and experience,
hopefully, you may retired before 45, just like most of my friend 不分老嫩 勝者為皇 而家o既股市係咁架喇:smilies03:
回復 yyyyy 16# 的帖子
[quote]the consequence of speculation is not related to experience .
it is contributed to LUCK
You can set cut loss / stop profit based on experience
回復 gyman 11# 的帖子
長搾優質股,要經長時間磨練.不給市場左右.很難長守. 好!好!好!ping 哥!!! 唔可以單睇一兩次既成績決定吧.
如果有個人攞哂成副身家走去買鋪大細, 唔夠 10 分鐘就可能有 double 番黎.
你試下問下李嘉誠幾耐至可以將副身家 double? 問佢可唔可以 10 分鐘變 double, 又或者敢唔敢用成副身家賭一鋪大細 (當有莊家夠膽受佢)?
唔通, 我地可以話呢個人比超人搵錢更利害嗎? 老手同新手咖分別係咩呢,咩又係離唔開定力呢兩個字!
的新仔嬴錢都係曇花一現. 再玩耐的會連本帶利嘔返晒出來. [quote]原帖由 [i]fm886[/i] 於 2008-4-24 00:14 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]大大話話在股海10年有多
一個股市新手轉一轉手就有10%有多的利潤:smilies44: (386,910等細價股)
而我的只有3~5%利潤.........:smilies60: (2628,2823大路股)
真係覺得失禮:smilies32:... [/quote]
你就好啦.....我仲輸緊錢....:smilies30: [quote]原帖由 [i]Emily[/i] 於 2008-4-24 13:22 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
You can set cut loss / stop profit based on experience [/quote]
the price rapidly drop, that is why you can't cut loss,
回復 yyyyy 25# 的帖子
Drop rapidly in several hours over 30% are not possible for most stocks.You should have time to cut loss