[[i]本帖最後由mtcy 於2008-3-1220:57編輯[/i]] yeah, before I put the money on the stock market, I did compare it to Bacaarat. I understand how you feel about them. They are baically the same thing.
the stock market go up, just like there has 6 bank win in a roll. Willl you buy the 7th bank? or keep buying 8th, 9th bank? Or you go buy player win?
The largest bet for me on the bacaarat table in Casio Niagra is 10k hkd on on hand and I lost. lol
I bought 170k hkd worth of stock yesterday afternoon, and today, i sold them almost at the end. I thought today will have big jump but.... sigh.... 宜家炒股同賭錢不嬲都冇分別:smilies69:
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