我朋友有一個Buffalo Router,有一部PC用Buffalo Air-station receiver可以正常連接router上網.第二部PC用Belkin receiver,但唔可以接上router.係XP network 連線上見到個router嘅network,一click入去connect時,入左WEP 金鑰,但等好耐都connect唔到...個Buffalo router 同air-station係幾年前買的.Belkin receiver今個月買的.會唔會牌子唔夾?有冇人有相似問題?Thanks.回復 #1 Vanbachichi 的帖子
應該無問題架 !!! 我用急 d-link個無線Router, 會唔唔系setting 個問題呂啊 !!! 但牌子唔同都有可能出現。:smilies50: 有分b-g mode,,好似PSP咁,,唔係2樣都收到
Select the desired wireless mode. The options are:
* g & b - Both 802.11g and 802.11b wireless stations can be used.
* g only - Only 802.11g wireless stations can be used.
* b only - All 802.11b wireless stations can be used. 802.11g wireless stations can still be used if they can operate in 802.11b mode.
The default is "g & b", which allows both "g" and "b" wireless stations to access this device.
回復 #3 瘋之子 的帖子
嘩 !!! 好深啊 !!!:smilies59: [quote]原帖由 [i]freddy_iao[/i] 於 2007-10-21 00:43 發表 [url=http://getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=265667&ptid=242859][img]http://getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
嘩 !!! 好深啊 !!!
:smilies59: [/quote]
g就睇到 G,b
回復 #5 瘋之子 的帖子
奧 !!! 明白啦 !!!:smilies45: 個router 同adapter 都係802.11g mode ga, 但係connect好耐都唔得,試過唔Set WEP 金鑰都唔得,大家有冇咩其他意見或辦法呢? thanks.
回復 #7 Vanbachichi 的帖子
金鑰應該set到架 !!! 點解 ??? 系唔系個router有問題啊 ???:smilies59: Sorry for mis-lead you. 我指係個router度唔set WEP,之後個adapter connect 時唔使入金鑰,咁樣都connect 唔到.係咪牌子唔夾會有啲咁嘅問題?
回復 #9 Vanbachichi 的帖子
甘就真系有機會系唔相容及會唔會個Router有問題啊 !!!:smilies29: [quote]原帖由 [i]Vanbachichi[/i] 於 2007-10-22 16:24 發表 [url=http://getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=266466&ptid=242859][img]http://getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Sorry for mis-lead you. 我指係個router度唔set WEP,之後個adapter connect 時唔使入金鑰,咁樣都connect 唔到.係咪牌子唔夾會有啲咁嘅問題? [/quote]
同埋個router 係有得set 以下lee2個
以下係我個rounter 既setting
Wireless Router Settings
Enable Wireless Router Radio
The Wireless Access PointRouter of this router can be enabled or disabled to allow wireless access. The wireless icon on the front of the router will also display the current status of the Wireless Access Point to let you know if it is disabled or enabled. If Enabled, wireless stations will be able to access the Internet. If Disabled, wireless stations will not be able to access the Internet.
Enable SSID Broadcast
If Enabled, the Wireless RouterSSID will broadcast its name (SSID) to all Wireless Stations. Stations which have no SSID (or a "null" value) can then adopt the correct SSID for connections to this Access Point.
Wireless Card Access List
By default, any wireless PC that is configured with the correct SSID will be allowed access to your wireless network. For increased security, you can restrict access to the wireless network to only allow specific PCs based on their MAC addresses. From the Wireless Settings menu, click the Setup Access List button to display the Wireless Access List menu.
[/quote] Thanks. 我朋友用的router 是 Buffalo WBR2-G54,應該apply左以上setting,因為其中一部PC可以上,另一部唔得... [quote]原帖由 [i]Vanbachichi[/i] 於 2007-10-22 22:25 發表 [url=http://getjetso.com/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=266724&ptid=242859][img]http://getjetso.com/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Thanks. 我朋友用的router 是 Buffalo WBR2-G54,應該apply左以上setting,因為其中一部PC可以上,另一部唔得... [/quote]
新既應該可以連到舊既 did u manuel key in the 金鑰?
if u set security, u need to key in 64 or 128bit 金鑰